This guide will cover removing the Sail CLI software, project and user configuration files from your system.
For every project where you ran sail init
, you will see a .sail
directory. This will contain Sail CLI configuration as well as the root SSH key
used to access your server.
Prior to removing this directory, make sure you saved the SSH key to another location. You will not be able to access your project server without this key.
cd /path/to/project
rm -rf .sail
User config contains the default provider token, e-mail address and other
information associated with your Sail CLI configuration. This information is
stored in the home directory under .sail-default.json
. It can be removed with:
rm ~/.sail-defaults.json
If you installed with the official installer, as root:
rm -rf /opt/sail
rm /usr/local/bin/sail
If you installed with Homebrew:
brew uninstall sail
With PyPI (global):
pip3 uninstall
With PyPI (virtual environment):
.env/bin/pip uninstall # for venv
rm /usr/local/bin/sail
From source:
rm -rf /path/to/sail
rm /usr/local/bin/sail